Equitable Services Announcement 2020-2021
Nonpublic (Private and Parochial) Schools Located within the Canton Public School District Attendance Zone The Canton Public School District is in the process of preparing its Consolidated Federal Programs Application for the 2020-2021 school year. The application includes programs funded through the Elementary and Secondary School Act (ESEA): Title I, Title II, Title III, and Title IV. Each nonpublic school located in the Canton Public School District’s attendance zone that would like to participate is required to provide the district with information to verify its eligibility. Please contact Dr. LaToshia Stamps at 601-859- 2359 or latoshiastamps@cantonschools.net by Friday, February 28, 2020, for additional information. All federal programs are contingent upon their reauthorization by the federal government.
Dr. LaToshia Stamps
403 East Lincoln Street
Canton, MS 39046
601.859.2359 (0ffice)
601.859.1524 (Fax)
Jacquelin Cotton
Administrative Assistant
601.859.5888 (Office)
601.859.1524 (Fax)