Travel Policy
- Section A - General Information
- Section B - Travel Reimbursements
- Section C - Transportation
- Section D – Out of State Travel
- Section E - Conferences, Seminars, Workshops Registration
- Section F – Lodging
- Section G - Meal Allowances
- Section H - Other Allowable Expenses
- Section I – Travel Forms
Section A - General Information
The Canton Public School District Travel Policy Rules and Regulations will conform to the policy rules and regulation developed by the State Department of Finance and Administration (DFA) where applicable. The expenditure of funds for travel related purposes must be closely monitored to ensure expenditures are allowable, appropriate, and properly approved. The purpose of this policy is to establish a definitive direction for faculty, staff, and students traveling on official Canton Public School District (CPSD) business. This policy covers all CPSD related travel within state and out-of-state.
In keeping with State Statute (Section 25-3-41) of the MISSISSIPPI CODE of 1972, Annotated, CPSD, as a Governing Authority, shall make reimbursement or advancement (Section 25-3-41 (5)) to any officer or employee who is required to travel in the discharge of official duties to the extent of actual, ordinary, and necessary costs incurred within those limitations imposed by state law, contractual agreements, or the administrative policies of the CPSD.
If problems arise and are not covered in the CPSD Travel Policy Rules and Regulations, the CPSD may refer to the State of MS Travel Policy Rules & Regulations to determine a remedy.
Department, School, & Traveler Responsibility
These policy rules and regulations establish a Travel Management Program under the supervision of the CPSD Finance Department to ensure fairness and consistency in the application and administration of travel expense reimbursement and to reduce and control the CPSD’s costs related to all components of official district business travel.
An employee traveling on official district business is expected to exercise the same care incurring expenses as would a prudent person traveling for personal reasons. Travel for business should be conducted at a minimum cost for achieving the success of the mission.
It is the responsibility of the Department Administrators, Principals, Bookkeepers, and Travelers:
- To familiarize themselves with the CPSD Travel Policy Rules and Regulations.
- Be responsible for ensuring compliance with the CPSD Travel Management Program by providing adequate internal control over employee travel.
- Ensure that all employees are aware of and familiar with the guidelines set forth in this manual and that they understand that they are required to adhere to the established CPSD Travel Policy Rules and Regulations Travel Management Program.
- Understand that these travel policy rules and regulations apply to any person traveling for the district and to all funds administered by the district.
- Adhere and comply with all time deadlines associated with travel requests; and,
- Provide accurate and complete documentation in support of all travel reimbursements
Travel Authorization
Prior approval is required when traveling in-state, out-of-state, for in-state or out-of-state group travel, or when attending any conventions, associations, conferences, workshops, seminars, or clinics.
- In-state travel shall be approved by local school principals and/or director and superintendent.
- Out-of-state travel and required documentation shall be submitted for CPSD Board approval to the Finance Office at least seven (7) business days before the assigned deadline for board agenda items. The Board approval date must be noted on all travel requests for payments.
- Requests must provide accurate and complete documentation in support of all travel.
- All travel requests for out-of-state travel, must include the out-of-state board packet that has been approved and stamped by the board secretary.
Pre-approval of travel is in the employee’s best interest as it can be used in case of accident to verify that he/she was in fact traveling on school district business and is therefore covered by school district insurance.
Section B - Travel Reimbursements
Travel Reimbursements – After Trip
Travelers who have first been authorized, by the necessary approval requirements, to travel in the performance of their duties shall be reimbursed their expenses by the CPSD for:
Mileage, Airfare, Meals, Lodging/Hotel, and other allowable expenses as defined herein.
Travel reimbursements will be made for all taxes paid by the traveler.
Reimbursements - Travel Reimbursement Voucher Form (Travel Reimbursement Form) – After Trip
- One district employee should not claim expenses for another district employee.
- Travel Reimbursement Forms should be typed or completed in ink and signed by the employee. The signature is a certification by the Traveler that reimbursement is being requested for actual expenses that are valid business expenses.
- Travel Reimbursement Forms must be approved and signed by the traveler’s administrator.
- Hotel/motel receipts must be itemized and signed to be reimbursed.
- Sales Tax will be reimbursed if lodging was not paid by the CPSD.
- Express check-out receipts which do not provide an itemized hotel bill are not acceptable.
- Necessary travel expenses do not include personal expense items such as entertainment, room service, movies, or other non-allowable expenditures.
- For allowable reimbursements such as taxi fare, parking, and luggage fees, the traveler must have the receipts to be reimbursed.
- For Meal Reimbursement Allowances: Departure should occur before 7:00 a.m. for breakfast, 12:00 noon for lunch, and before 6:00 p.m. for dinner. Include the meeting agenda.
- Meals can only be paid when an overnight stay has occurred. Meals included in registration should be deducted.
Section C - Transportation
Travel Routing
Whether by public transportation, privately-owned vehicle, district-owned vehicle, etc., or reimbursements in the case of mileage, will be made for the most direct practical route. The least expensive method of transportation should be used.
Business travel and vacation/personal leave may be combined when all the following conditions are met:
- The primary purpose of the trip is official district business;
- The employee uses his/her approved leave for the personal part of the trip;
- CPSD incurs no expenses beyond what it would have incurred had there been no personal travel involved in the trip. (If the employee would normally be expected to arrive the day before, or remain in the area of official business overnight and return the following morning, and does so, expenses for either/both night(s) and the appropriate meals will be allowed.); and,
- The contract travel agency, if used, should be advised that the business part of the ticket will be billed to the CPSD and the personal travel part to the employee's personal credit card at the time the transportation reservations are made.
Vehicle Travel
Private Vehicle Used for CPSD Business – Mileage
A MapQuest printout showing mileage from the closest school to the out of district destination for travel that is trip related will be used to determine mileage. Any mileage request starting point must be from the nearest school, not from home/residence.
Mileage reimbursements should be submitted to the Finance Office monthly. If submitted after three (3) months of the last date of travel, the Finance Office will not approve the reimbursement. The only exception is for June travel. June travel reimbursements should be submitted within the same month and no later than June 30th, or no later than the deadline set by the Finance Department.
When two or more employees travel in one private vehicle, only one travel expense at the authorized reimbursement rate per mile shall be allowed.
Mileage is not reimbursed between home and assigned work location. However, when in-district travel is required for job duties and leaving from home, mileage may be requested from the school nearest your home, not from home/residence.
Rental Vehicle Used for District Business
If a rental vehicle is required for official district business, this must be handled through normal purchasing procedures. No individual or school has authority to contract for rental vehicles without the expressed approval of the Finance Office. Charges for rental cars shall be allowed only when there is a demonstrated cost savings over other modes of transportation such as buses, subways, taxi’s, etc.
An intermediate size vehicle is normally the largest rental that will be reimbursed. Naturally, there will be occasions for which a larger vehicle will be required in order to carry out CPSD’s business.
The CPSD will not reimburse for rental cars obtained for personal use, such as sightseeing or optional travel to and from restaurants while on district business travel. Only the rental vehicle which is consistent with the size requirements of the business task to be performed will be approved.
Contact the Finance Office for further information on approval and how to rent vehicles.
Travel Tip: The State Contract for Vehicle Rental can be found on under Travel. The State Contract Vehicle Rental contracts include unlimited mileage and free CDW/LDW insurance.
District-Owned Vehicle
Actual operating expenses incurred in the use of district-owned vehicles for official travel will be reimbursed on presentation of receipts for gasoline only. No mileage reimbursement will be made for district-owned vehicle use or if the employee has a Fuelman Card.
Section D – Out of State Travel
After required approvals (professional leave form, board approval and other supporting documents). Travelers may contact Shawania Greene to begin the process of getting their hotel, flight, registration and/or transportation arranged. Once a purchase order to Avanti Travel has been obtained email so the reservation can be confirmed and booked.
All domestic and international air travel must be in Coach or equivalent class. Any upgrades are the sole financial obligations of the traveler. All tickets (purchased by CPSD or reimbursed to the traveler by CPSD) belong to Canton Public School District. All tickets are booked electronically by the Business Department’s staff member through Avanti Travel. Requests to purchase an airline ticket must be submitted at least ninety (90) working days prior to departure date. Desired flight times must be indicated on the email request along with any special instructions. The lowest available airfare and best available flight will be booked for all travelers. The traveler must include a copy of his or her airline itinerary when submitting the travel reimbursement form upon return. If airline accommodation has been made and the traveler decides to use another transportation method, CPSD is only responsible for the difference in price and or miles upon requesting reimbursement.
CPSD will utilize their local airport. Use of the local airport is assumed to result in travel costs that are most economical to the CPSD.
The criteria for determining which airport or mode of transportation to use should be based on travel costs that are most economical to the CPSD. All costs should be considered, i.e., travel, lodging, meals, mileage reimbursement, etc., in making the determination. The least expensive routing shall be used.
If problems arise with Airline Penalty Fares, Airline Reservation Changes, Lost Airline Tickets, Passenger Facility Charges, Delayed or Canceled Flights, etc., the CPSD may refer to the State Travel Policy Rules & Regulations.
Section E - Conferences, Seminars, Workshops Registration
Section F – Lodging
Lodging Reimbursements
The CPSD shall reimburse the actual cost of lodging incurred in the discharge of official duties, no incidentals allowed. Itemized receipts must be provided showing the name of the traveler, number of occupants, date of stay, and amount(s) of expenses incurred. Express Check-out Receipts shall not be accepted. In this case, it is the Travelers responsibility to receive prior approval from the Director and/or Principal to be assured the reimbursement will be approved upon return. When the travel is out-of-state, the reimbursement details may be noted on the Out-of-State
Board Recommendation.
Travel reimbursements will be made for all taxes paid by the traveler; however, when expenses are billed directly to the CPSD, taxes should not be charged or paid.
Lodging Shared With
In the event two or more persons share the same room, and the additional persons are employees traveling in an official capacity, claims for reimbursement should be made on the travel form of the employee who incurred the lodging cost. The other employee’s name and CPSD employee should be submitted with the reimbursement claim. If the additional persons are not authorized travelers, the employee should request that the rate for a single room be entered on the receipt by the hotel clerk and claim reimbursement for that amount only.
Lodging Cancellation
Most hotels require cancellation of room reservations be made at least 72 hours prior to scheduled check-in. Otherwise, your credit card will be charged for the first night. If the reason for cancellation is business related this charge may be reimbursed. Exceptions may be made for emergencies beyond the employee’s control.
Section G - Meal Allowances
Travelers may be reimbursed for meals, not to exceed the “maximum daily meal allowance” per diem. Receipts will not be required for meal reimbursements. This is for overnight stay only. Complete the Travel Reimbursement Form, using the “actual amount spent” and attach the conference agenda form. Meals shall not be claimed when clearly included in the conference registration fee. Alcoholic beverages are not reimbursable.
The current maximum daily meal allowance rates can be found on, under Travel - Meals, Miles & Reimbursements – Meal Reimbursement Rate. If help is needed, please contact the Finance Office.
For meal allowances on overnight trips, departure should occur before 7:00 a.m. for breakfast, 12:00 noon for lunch, and before 6:00 p.m. for dinner.
Section H - Other Allowable Expenses
Business Travel Expense Program for Non-Employees
Public carrier expenses and lodging of official guests, consultants, and others not employed by the CPSD, as well as student/team travel may be paid within the CPSD Travel Policy.
Taxi Fares
Fares for taxis or airport transportation services require a signed receipt which must be attached to the Travel Reimbursement Form to receive reimbursement for that item. The CPSD does not reimburse taxi fares for optional non-business travel. The CPSD does not reimburse taxi fares if you drove your private vehicle to the meeting/conference.
Baggage Fees
Charges for baggage at check-in may vary per airline. Baggage fees are reimbursable expenses and can only be reimbursed with a signed detailed receipt attached to the Travel Reimbursement Form.
Hotel/Airport Parking
Hotel/Airport Parking requires a receipt which must be attached to the Travel Reimbursement Form to receive reimbursement for that item.
Section I – Travel Forms
Forms can be found on the CPSD website – – Business & Finance Department