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Rodney Harris

Rodney Harris
Chief of Operations and Workforce Training


Maintenance Department

Contact us at (601)859-5002
The Maintenance Department is responsible for maintaining more than 299,757,000 square feet of space in 10 schools and school grounds. Maintenance employees are responsible for heating and cooling systems, electrical systems, plumbing, and carpentry. The department also oversees construction projects. During the summer break, the maintenance department undertakes many school projects that cannot easily be completed while classrooms are occupied.

  • Areas of Responsibility
  • Carpentry
  • Climate Control
  • Custodial
  • Electrical
  • Preventive Maintenance & Plumbing
  • Site Care

Transportation Department

For any transportation-related inquiries, please contact Mr. Leroy Chaney at the bus shop at (601) 407-9623. 

State and federal regulations, along with various laws, govern the assignment of bus stops to ensure safety for both our students and motorists.