Our School
Reuben B. Myers School of Arts and Sciences is a literacy based, technological elementary school located in the east most corner the City of Canton, MS. Our school proudly wears the name of the beloved patriarch, teacher, principal, and ultimately superintendent of Canton Public Schools, Reuben B. Myers. Located at 357 Old Yazoo City Road, our 10 acre campus, provides an inviting atmosphere conducive to "exploratory" teaching and learning.
Our Students
Reuben B. Myers Canton School of Arts & Sciences has approximately 540 Pre- Kindergarten through fifth grade students. In addition to the core curricula offerings, our students participate in a myriad of elective/ enrichment activities too. These offerings include, but are not limited to, Choir, Honor's Choir, National Junior Beta Club, Junior Library Guild, Cheer, and Foundations Community Services (FCS) just to name a few!