Phone: (601) 855-7819
Degrees and Certifications:
Bachelors Degree: Elementary Education Masters Degree: Early Childhood Education Specialist Degree: Elementary Education
Ms. Alfreda Brown
I would like to take this time to introduce myself. My name is Ms. Alfreda Brown. This is my 19th year of teaching (9th year in Pre-kindergarten). We will take good care of your child as well as the others in the class. At the beginning, we may have some that are hesitant about coming to school, but this will pass vary shortly. Hang in there.
My Co-Teacher is Ms. Jessica Jones. This will be her 10th year teaching in the public and private setting. Ms. Jones loves children, and to see them grow and learn is very important to her as “these children will be our leaders of tomorrow”. She puts her all in teaching. I rest assure you your child is in great hands. So therefore giving your child a good foundation will help him/her to do well as they move thought the grade levels. A good foundation is the key to succeed.