Phone: (601) 855-7819


Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Alphia Myers


Welcome to a great, exciting and promising year here at “The Reub”!!! I am honored and extremely excited to serve you as principal at Reuben B. Myers Canton School of Arts and Sciences; where our mission is to provide enhanced educational experiences to all students where they are able to excel academically, morally and socially. 


All of us at Reuben B. Myers are eager and excited to begin what promises to be a great year.  We will work diligently to ensure that students are provided with academic experiences that are rigorous, relevant and help to build real world-connections; empowering them to become life-long learners and higher achievers in a global society.


As we embark upon this exciting school year, we invite each of you to become an agent in the education of our children. We Want… We Need… and We Value your support!  Working together allows us all to meet the challenges of academic excellence in a positive, fun and nurturing learning environment.  Our doors are open; welcoming your input.


Again, we welcome you to our wonderful learning community . . . where there are many minds on a mission to academic excellence. We look forward to working with each and every one of you as we journey on this new mission together!