Note that we have added one 80% Day per month for September-April. The purpose of the days is to provide time for teachers to participate in professional development and engage in collaborative planning. The dismissal times for both the 60% days and the 80% days are listed below.
60% Day Dismissal Times
12:00-Elementary schools
12:30-Middle Schools
12:45-9th Academy and Canton High School
80% Day Dismissal Times
1:15-Elementary schools
1:45-Middle Schools
2:30-9th Academy and Canton High School
CPSD 2024-2025 Academic Calendar
July 2nd-July 4th-Fourth of July Break
July 25th-July 26th-New Teacher Orientation
August 1st-District PD Day
August 2nd-District Convocation
August 5th-Students' First Day (1st Term Begins)
(22 Teacher Days; 20 Student Days)
September 2nd-Labor Day
(Schools and Central Office Closed)
September 4th-80% PD Day
(20 Teacher Days; 20 Student Days)
October 2-80% PD Day
October 7-11 Fall Break (Schools and Central Office Closed)
October 14th-(2nd Term Begins)
(18 Teacher Days; 18 Student Days)
November 6th-80% PD Day
November 25th-November 29th-Thanksgiving Break
(Schools and Central Office Closed)
(16 Teacher Days; 16 Student Days)
December 4th-80% PD Day (Schools and Central Office Closed)
December 18th-60% Day; Students' Break Begins
December 19th-December 20th-District PD Days-Virtual-(Schools and Central Office Closed)
December 19th-January 7th-Christmas Break (Students )
December 23rd-January 6th-Christmas Break (Staff)
(15 Teacher Days; 13 Student Days)
January 6th-District PD Day
January 7th-Students Return-(3rd Term Begins)
January 8th-80% PD Day
January 20th-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday
(Schools and Central Office Closed)
(19 Teacher Days; 18 Student Days)
February 5th-80% PD Day
February 17th-Presidents' Day
(Schools and Central Office Closed)
(20 Teacher Days; 19 Student Days)
March 5th-80% PD Day
March 10th-March 14th-Spring Break
March 17th-4th Term Begins
(16 Teacher Days; 16 Student Days)
April 2nd-80% PD Day
April 18th-April 21st-Easter Break-(Schools and Central Office Closed)
(20 Teacher Days; 20 Student Days)
May 22nd-Seniors' Last Day
May 24th-CHS Graduation
May 26th-Memorial Day Holiday- (Schools and Central Office Closed)
May 29th-Students' Last Day-60% Day
June 2nd-Teachers' Last Day
(21 Teacher Days; 20 Student Days)
JUNE 19TH, 2025 JUNETEENTH HOLIDAY-(Schools and Central Office Closed)
Breakdown of 2024-2025 Days
187 Teacher Days; 180 Student Days
5 District PD Days