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This is the revised Board-approved 2024-2025 Academic Calendar. The following changes were made to the calendar:
***Note: Convocation will be held on August 1, 2024.***
*Presidents Day on February 17th is now a "clear" holiday; the previous version had it as a virtual day.
*The above change required the addition of one additional day for teachers; teachers' last day is now June 2nd.
Note that we have added one 80% Day per month for September-April. The purpose of the days is to provide time for teachers to participate in professional development and engage in collaborative planning. The dismissal times for both the 60% days and the 80% days are listed below.
60% Day Dismissal Times
12:00-Elementary schools
12:30-Middle Schools
12:45-9th Academy and Canton High School
80% Day Dismissal Times
1:15-Elementary schools
1:45-Middle Schools
2:30-9th Academy and Canton High School